College Initiative Upstate (CIU) is a learning community of students, educators, and volunteers who are working together to build pathways to and through college for people who are court-involved or formerly incarcerated, people in a stable place in their recovery, or low-income (including housing choice voucher recipients). CIU’s model provides the resources for college preparation, college enrollment, and community leadership – all free of charge. The only requirements are a high school diploma or equivalency, residency in Tompkins County, and a strong desire to continue their educational goals. By effectively addressing the individual and structural barriers to higher education, including the gap in preparation for college, CIU offers a life-changing path for non-traditional students experiencing issues related to legal involvement, poverty, and recovery.
CIU's office is located at the TC3 Extension Center, Room 501
Above the M&T Bank Building on the Ithaca Commons
Office Hours at TC3 Extension: M - Thurs. 10:00 am - 4:00 pm